titulní strana > zpráva ecomonitoru
Další zprávy ecomonitoru:
8.8.2016 01:10
15.4.2016 15:55
9.3.2016 01:27
4.3.2016 12:14
1.3.2016 01:37

Online diskuse
Datum:1. 12. 2011
Název: No, Vás obzvlášť...
Přehlédl jsem odkaz na konci článku tady na ekolistu - k původní práci se dá dostat, o teplotě píšou toto:

Fractions A (control
group) were incubated under similar conditions without the
Incubation of Spermatozoa Under Laptop
For each sperm sample, one of the dishes (fraction B) was incubated
at room temperature under a laptop computer (Toshiba
Satellite M305D-S4829) connected to the internet
wirelessly (Wi-Fi, frequency 2.4 GHz defined by IEEE
802.11b). To induce the greatest possible effect, the laptop
worked actively (uploading and downloading information)
throughout the period of exposure (24). To maximize the likelihood
of observing deleterious effects the distance between
the computer and each specimen was kept constant at 3 cm.
This distance was the estimated distance between the computers
resting on the lap and the testis/epididymis (Fig. 1B
and C). The duration of exposure was 4 hours (Fig. 1A). The
temperature under the laptop was kept at 25C during the incubation
time by an air conditioning system. The temperature
on each medium drop was thoroughly controlled by an IVF
Thermometer (Research Instruments) and recorded every 5
minutes. Unexposed aliquots (fraction A) were used as control
and kept under identical temperature and conditions in another
room away from any computers or electronic devices.
After the incubation period, sperm vitality, motility, and
DNA fragmentation were determined on each aliquot.

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